Combative (Martial Arts) and Wrestling safety standards update

Please be advised that an update was made to the intramural Combatives (Martial Arts) safety standards and to the interschool and intramural Wrestling safety standards which are effective immediately. Consult Wrestling and Combatives Safety Standards Updates for more information.

Following the Initial Identification of a Suspected Concussion

The instructions and responsibilities identified within this section must be followed if other concussion sign(s) and/or other concussion symptom(s) are observed, reported, and/or the student does not answer all the Quick Memory Function Check questions correctly.

Teacher/Coach Response

  • Do not allow the student to return to physical activity/practice/competition that day even if the student states that they are feeling better.
  • Do not leave the student alone until a parent/guardian arrives.
  • Contact the student’s parents/guardians (or emergency contact) to inform them:
    • of the incident;
    • of the reported concussion sign(s) and symptom(s) and the results of the Quick Memory Function Check (consult the Sample Tool to Identify a Suspected Concussion);
    • that the student must be accompanied home by a responsible adult; and
    • that the student needs an urgent medical assessment as soon as possible that same day by a medical doctor or nurse practitioner. Provide parents with a medical concussion assessment form.
  • Monitor and document any changes in the student. If any signs or symptoms worsen, call 911.
  • Consult your school board’s injury report form for documentation procedures.
  • Do not administer medication unless the student requires medication for other conditions (for example, insulin for a student with diabetes, inhaler for asthma).
  • The student must not operate a motor vehicle.

Information for Parents/Guardians

  • A tool to identify a suspected concussion
  • The student needs an urgent medical assessment as soon as possible that same day by a medical doctor or nurse practitioner (consult the Sample Medical Concussion Assessment Form).
  • The student must be accompanied home by a responsible adult;
  • The student must not be left alone;
  • Parents/guardians must communicate the results of the medical assessment (that is, the student has a diagnosed concussion, the student does not have a diagnosed concussion) to the school principal/designate prior to the student returning to school. Consult the Sample Medical Concussion Assessment Form.

Responsibilities of the School Principal/Designate

The school principal/designate must inform all school staff (for example, classroom teachers, physical education teachers, intramural supervisors, coaches) and volunteers (prior to communicating with volunteers consult the school board protocol for sharing of student information) who work with the student that the student must not participate in any learning or physical activities until the parents/guardians communicates the results of the medical assessment to the school principal/designate (consult the Sample Medical Concussion Assessment Form).