Combative (Martial Arts) and Wrestling safety standards update

Please be advised that an update was made to the intramural Combatives (Martial Arts) safety standards and to the interschool and intramural Wrestling safety standards which are effective immediately. Consult Wrestling and Combatives Safety Standards Updates for more information.

Safety in Fitness Rooms

Also consult the Fitness Activities safety standards in the Curricular setting.

To Qualify to Use the Fitness Room


  • For elementary activities, the supervising Coach/Intramural Supervisor must be on-site.
  • For secondary activities the supervising Coach/Intramural Supervisor must be in the area.
  • Fitness rooms require an on-site monitor. Monitors may be educational assistants, retired teachers, parents, co-op students, teacher candidates or trained senior students.
  • Duties of the Coach/Intramural Supervisor include:
    • checking the pass/tag of all students who enter fitness room;
    • opening and locking the fitness room using procedure established by the school;
    • determining that students are following posted rules and procedures;
    • establishing a procedure to regularly disinfect equipment; and
    • making sure the room is left in proper order.

Rules of Use

  • The minimum number of students using the fitness room at any given time is two.
  • Suitable clothing and footwear must be worn.
  • Jewelry is not allowed in the fitness room.
  • Procedures must be established so that the facility and equipment are inspected by a Teacher/Coach on a daily basis.
  • A process must be in place so that equipment needing repair is identified, removed from use and repaired.
  • Any violation of rules may result in some form of sanction being applied (for example, suspension or loss of pass/tag, closure of fitness room).
  • A process must be in place where fitness equipment is disinfected on a regular basis (consult with your school board’s facilities services for appropriate/approved cleaning products).