Combative (Martial Arts) and Wrestling safety standards update

Please be advised that an update was made to the intramural Combatives (Martial Arts) safety standards and to the interschool and intramural Wrestling safety standards which are effective immediately. Consult Wrestling and Combatives Safety Standards Updates for more information.

Sample Wind Velocity Preparedness Guide

Role of Teachers, Coaches, Intramural Supervisors

Where appropriate, prior to and during outside physical activities, check for wind warnings and cancel and/or make accommodations to activities where winds pose a hazard to students.

Tool that can be used

Anemometer –an instrument for measuring the speed of the wind (handheld model - $100.00).

Actions that Must be Taken

This section outlines actions that must be taken dependent upon the velocity of the wind.

For water activities follow the wind guidelines for participation/cancellation of the governing body of the activity (for example, rowing, sailing), outside activity provider, or school board.

Wind Speeds Land Effect Precautions/Actions that Must be Taken
0-19 km/h
  • Calm to Gentle breez
  • Wind felt on exposed skin
  • Leaves in constant motion
  • No precautions required
  • Be vigilant for change in weather conditions
20-39 km/h
  • Breezy
  • Dust and loose paper raised
  • Branches of trees move
  • Continue outside activity. Teacher to secure items susceptible to being blown around
  • Be vigilant for change in weather conditions
40-49 km/h
  • Strong Breeze
  • Large branches in motion
  • Umbrella use becomes difficult
  • Empty plastic trash cans tip over
  • Teacher to take into consideration activity surroundings (for example, trees, unsecure objects ground cover (sand), and equipment being used
  • Secure appropriate items
  • Activity is to stop and/ or moved indoors when effect of wind poses a risk to participants
50-59 km/h
  • High Winds
  • Whole trees in motion
  • Resistance felt with walking against wind
  • Avoid outside activities
60 km/h Wind Speeds or Gust of Winds of 90 km/h
  • Twigs broken from trees
  • Cars veer on road to large branches break off trees, small trees blow over
  • Construction/temporary signs and barricades blow over
  • Damages to tents and canopies
  • No outdoor activities