Combative (Martial Arts) and Wrestling safety standards update

Please be advised that an update was made to the intramural Combatives (Martial Arts) safety standards and to the interschool and intramural Wrestling safety standards which are effective immediately. Consult Wrestling and Combatives Safety Standards Updates for more information.

Sample Lightning Preparedness Guide

The people filling the following listed roles are responsible for making the decision to stop the activity, move students to a safe location, and to determine when/if it is safe to resume the activity:

  • Curricular activities: Teacher
  • Intramurals activities: Teacher, Intramural Supervisor
  • Interschool competitions and practices: Teacher/Coach in consultation with official (for competitions)
  • Outdoor Education Trips: Teacher in consultation with the Trip Leader
  • Off-Site Activity Providers: Teacher in consultation with facility manager/director
  • Camps: Teacher in consultation with camp director

A lightning response plan must be developed in advance of outdoor activities. The following must be taken into consideration: