Combative (Martial Arts) and Wrestling safety standards update

Please be advised that an update was made to the intramural Combatives (Martial Arts) safety standards and to the interschool and intramural Wrestling safety standards which are effective immediately. Consult Wrestling and Combatives Safety Standards Updates for more information.

Sample Checklist to Identify and Minimize Risk for Activities not Included in OPASSE

When seeking permission for an activity/sport not included and not resembling an activity/sport in the Ontario Physical Activity Safety Standards in Education (OPASSE) this checklist can be used to help identify and minimize risk.

Please note:

  • Permission must be obtained from the appropriate school board official (for example, Principal, Supervisory Officer) before participation.
  • This checklist is not exhaustive but has been designed to assist in identifying and minimizing risks. Other safety considerations maybe be required.
The educator/teacher is familiar with the activity and the teaching progression of skills and strategies.
The educator/teacher has identified the potential risks of the activity and the strategies to mitigate those risks prior to and during the activity/sport (for example, safety instructions and rules will be outlined and communicated to students).
The educator/teacher has access to all equipment needed to participate in the activity, including personal protective equipment.
The students are at an age/stage of development and ability to safely participate in the activity.
The students have access to appropriate clothing and footwear for the activity.
The facility provides adequate space and is free of hazards for students to participate safely.
The equipment available is the appropriate size and weight for the students.
If equipment is brought from home, a safety inspection must be carried out at home to ensure it is in good working order and is suitable for personal use.
The appropriate level of supervision (Constant visual, On-site, In-the-area) will be provided.
When an outside activity provider is used, the provider will adhere to the school board/school protocols. Consult the Outside Activity Providers section with the Tools & Resources section.
A first aid kit and an accessible communication device are readily available and an individual who takes responsibility for first aid is identified.
Careful consideration has been given to strategies and safe practices to maximize the opportunity for the inclusion of students with all abilities.