Combative (Martial Arts) and Wrestling safety standards update

Please be advised that an update was made to the intramural Combatives (Martial Arts) safety standards and to the interschool and intramural Wrestling safety standards which are effective immediately. Consult Wrestling and Combatives Safety Standards Updates for more information.

Safety Considerations for Online Physical Education Learning

The Safety Considerations for Online Physical Education Learning is not prescriptive in nature, rather, it provides enhanced safety considerations specific to online learning for physical education.

Online learning provides an opportunity for students to continue their learning in the Health and Physical Education curriculum and supports their ability to meet the overall and specific expectations of the curriculum.

This content is a supplement to the safety standards already available in the Ontario Physical Activity Safety Standards in Education (OPASSE) and is designed to support the implementation of safe online physical education programs.

This section includes:

If you have any questions or require more information please contact Ophea.