Combative (Martial Arts) and Wrestling safety standards update

Please be advised that an update was made to the intramural Combatives (Martial Arts) safety standards and to the interschool and intramural Wrestling safety standards which are effective immediately. Consult Wrestling and Combatives Safety Standards Updates for more information.

Requirements of the Educators

  • Seek and receive your Principal’s approval via your school board field trip procedure form.
  • Check that the Outside Activity Provider meets your school board’s requirement for third party liability insurance.
  • Provide the Outside Activity Provider with access to:
    • the relevant activity safety standards from the Ontario Physical Activity Safety Standards in Education (OPASSE); and
    • the OPASSE requirements of the Outside Activity Provider.
  • Prior to the activity, the Teacher and the Outside Activity Provider must communicate and review the relevant OPASSE activity safety standards and the requirements of the Outside Activity Provider.
  • Check that the Outside Activity Provider can accommodate identified students with special needs and students with medical conditions.
  • Prior to the activity, the Teacher must communicate the following to parents/guardians in writing:
    • Details of the activity
    • Risks associated with the activity
    • The location of the activity
    • The means of transportation used
    • Student expectations (precautions students are supposed to take related to environmental factors, if applicable).
  • A consent form must be received giving the student permission to participate.
  • The Teacher must outline the risks associated with the activity to the students along with procedures to follow to minimize risks.
  • The Teacher must be present throughout the entirety of the activity and supervise the students based on the type of supervision stated on the activity safety standards.
  • The role of the Teacher is to:
    • supervise the participants for management and direction; and
    • supervise (oversee) the role and conduct of the Outside Activity Provider with the students and activity.