Combative (Martial Arts) and Wrestling safety standards update

Please be advised that an update was made to the intramural Combatives (Martial Arts) safety standards and to the interschool and intramural Wrestling safety standards which are effective immediately. Consult Wrestling and Combatives Safety Standards Updates for more information.

Student Responsibilities

  • Students must conduct themselves in ways that show respect for the safety and well-being of both themselves and others.
  • From the Education Act:
    • A pupil shall:
      • be diligent in attempting to master such studies as are part of the program in which the pupil is enrolled;
      • exercise self-discipline;
      • accept such discipline as would be exercised by a kind, firm and judicious parent; and
      • show respect for school property.
    • Every pupil is responsible for his or her conduct to the principal of the school that the pupil attends:
      • on the school premises;
      • on out-of-school activities that are part of the school program; and
      • while travelling on a school bus that is owned by a Board or on a bus that is under contract to a Board.
  • Also consult the Health and Safety section in the Elementary Ontario Health and Physical Education curriculum and/or the Secondary Ontario Health and Physical Education curriculum.
  • The standards of safety are affected by the student’s skill and understanding.
  • Students are strictly forbidden prior to, during or after school sponsored activities, whether on site or off site, to participate in the consumption of alcohol, and the non-medical use of drugs including performance enhancing drugs.
  • Students must follow safety procedures.
  • Students must follow the established behavioural guidelines.
  • Students must report all injuries to the Teacher, including any time a student hits their head or exhibits or reports signs or symptoms of a concussion.
  • Student must report any unsafe equipment/facilities to the Teacher.
  • Students are expected to assume increasing responsibility for their own safety and the safety of others. (Ontario Ministry of Education, The Ontario Curriculum, Health and Physical Education, Grades 9-10/11-12.)
  • Following procedures, using equipment as instructed, wearing appropriate attire, and using thinking skills to assess risk and take appropriate precautions are some ways in which students can contribute to their own safety and the safety of others while participating in physical activity. (Ontario Ministry of Education, The Ontario Curriculum, Health and Physical Education, Grades 1-8, revised (2015))
  • Students must be informed of the importance of reporting any behaviour that contravenes the established behavioural guidelines.