Requirements of the Educators

  • Seek and receive principal approval via school board field trip procedure form.
  • Check that the activity provider meets board requirement for third party liability insurance.
  • The activity provider must be given a copy of the relevant Ontario Physical Activity Safety Standards in Education activity page(s).
  • Check that activity provider can accommodate identified students with special needs and students with medical conditions.
  • Prior to the activity, the following must be communicated to parents/guardians in writing: details of the activity, risks associated with activity, location, means of transportation used, and student expectations (precautions students are supposed to take related to environmental factors, if applicable). A consent form must be received giving the student permission to participate.
  • The risks associated with the activity must be outlined to the students along with procedures to follow to minimize risks.
  • The teachers must be present, through the entirety of the activity, to supervise the participants and activity.