Sample B: First Aid Emergency Response

Care of injured/ill student

  • Clear the risk of further harm to the injured student by securing the area and shelter the injured student from the elements.
  • Assess the injured/ill student. Follow board policy in calling for your school’s First Aid Provider or Emergency Medical Services, if needed. Attend to student based on level of training.
  • If the injured student is not moving or you suspect a head, neck or spinal injury do not move the student and tell the student not to move.
  • Check that airway is clear, breathing is present.
  • Protect yourself (wear gloves or personal protective equipment (PPE) if in contact with blood or bodily fluids).
  • Control bleeding. Look for signs of shock.
  • For students with medical conditions, administer medication to the student as per Plan of Care (for example, auto-injector (for example, EpiPen), asthma inhaler). If medication is not present access immediately.
  • Check for sign(s) and/or symptom(s) of a suspected concussion.

Transportation of student to hospital (EMS not required)

  • Follow school board’s first aid plan, including accessibility to a vehicle for transportation of a student to hospital.

When Emergency Medical Services (EMS) are required

Designated person:

  • Identifies an individual to call 911.
  • Provides the call person with information on the condition of the injured/ill student.
  • Provides the call person with other relevant information under the circumstances (for example, access entrance for EMS).
  • Requests the call person to report back to confirm the call and provide the estimated time of ambulance arrival.

Preparing for EMS Arrival

Designated person:

  • Sends person(s) outside to the access entrance to greet ambulance/fire department and to guide them to the injured/ill student.
  • Observes/attends to injured/ill student carefully for any changes in condition and reassures student until EMS help arrives.

Transfer of care to EMS Personnel

Designated person:

  • Ensures the injured/ill student’s medical information is available when EMS arrives (for example, pre-existing conditions and/or prescribed medication(s), Plan of Care).
  • Provides information to EMS personnel (for example, time incident occurred; what happened; condition the injured student was found in; first aid procedures performed; changes in injured student’s condition).

Roles and Responsibilities of call person

  • Makes 911 Call to Dispatcher
  • States nature of emergency and requests an ambulance.
  • Provides their name and site location Information (for example, name of site, municipality, address, cross streets, phone number, access entrance closest to injured/ill student, if more than one).
  • Responds to dispatcher's questions regarding condition of injured student (for example, conscious, breathing, bleeding).
  • Returns to the designated person to confirm call and provide estimated time of ambulance arrival.