Wrestling and Combatives Safety Standards Updates

E_IS = Elementary Interschool     
E_IM = Elementary Intramural     
S_IS = Secondary Interschool     
S_IM = Secondary Intramural

Please be advised that an update has been made to the following Wrestling and Combatives (Martial Arts) safety standards to ensure alignment with provincial regulations under the Combative Sports Act:

Combatives (Martial Arts) - E_IM, S_IM, Wrestling - E_IM, S_IM


New Standard Added: 

  • Only “light contact” activities are permitted.


  • Light contact:
    • As per the Ontario Regulation 507/24: General,“light contact” means the use of combative sport techniques in a controlled manner so that any physical contact is not intended to result in physical harm to the opponent or would not be reasonably expected to result to in physical harm to the opponent.

Wrestling E_IS, S_IS


New Standard Added: