Combative (Martial Arts) and Wrestling safety standards update

Please be advised that an update was made to the intramural Combatives (Martial Arts) safety standards and to the interschool and intramural Wrestling safety standards which are effective immediately. Consult Wrestling and Combatives Safety Standards Updates for more information.

Occasional Teacher Coverage

  • The occasional Teacher must have students participate in physical activities commensurate with their ability to safely teach/supervise the activity.
  • In preparation for the occasional Teacher, the absent Teacher, Intramural Supervisor or Administrator must:
    • Include the appropriate safety standards activity pages with the lesson plans (for curricular activities).
    • Inform the occasional Teacher of the whereabouts of a contact Teacher or Administrator in case of an emergency.
    • For curricular activities, specify restrictions/modifications for students with individual education plans (IEP) and/or medical conditions that may affect safe participation in the activity.
    • For intramural activities, specify restrictions/adaptations for students with health or behavioural problems.
    • Provide school protocol for supervision of change rooms.
  • In situations where an occasional Teacher or other Teacher is asked to coach a practice or game, the following must occur:
    • The School Administrator/Designate must address the occasional Teacher’s knowledge and, where applicable, the qualifications/certifications for the sport as well as their ability to safely supervise and coach the sport by following the safety criteria as outlined on the safety standards sport page.
    • The School Administrator/Designate or absent Coach must provide the safety standards for the sport and the Coaches Expectations.